Will bluestacks for pc save your progress
Will bluestacks for pc save your progress

will bluestacks for pc save your progress

To load your mobile or web progress into the Steam version of Bit Heroes,first, go to and log into your account. Select sign-in and enter your Kongregate username and password. Once you are signed in you should be prompted to either keep your new character or recover your previous character. To load your game progress onto a new mobile device or after reinstalling the game,launch Bit Heroes and, once you reach the main town hub, select the red K in the bottom right corner. To load your mobile game progress into the web version of Bit Heroes(on ), simply log into your Kongregate account and then navigate to the web version of Bit Heroes. Your game progress should now be saved to your account. Select sign-in and enter your Kongregate username and password. To link your mobile game progress to a account, launch the Bit Heroes app and, once you reach the main town hub, select the red K in the bottom right corner. Doing so will also keep your account extra secure! In order to save, restore, and transfer progress across multiple devices or platforms, you must first link your game account to a account.

Will bluestacks for pc save your progress